Thursday, February 3, 2011

New (well, for me) chicklit: The Friday Night Kniting Club by Kate Jacobs

The day after I finished reading this, I ordered all of Jacobs's other books off of Amazon. I'm still waiting for the third one to come in. . .Where is it? I need it! (Yes, even though I won't get to read it right away, just for the security that it's in my possession.) Wait, I guess I do kind of really need it. It's Knit Two, the sequel. And although I could always read Knit the Season (a Christmas feature she wrote on the gals of the Knitting Club. . .it doesn't matter that it isn't Christmas anymore) or Comfort Food (her non-Knitting Club read but one that I've heard is equally good, if not better), I need Knit Two.

Her writing is great, the stories of each of the women are entertaining, and although it's not the most thought-provoking read, its humor, honesty, and sense of friendship among the ladies are equally as important to gain after finishing a book. I chuckled out loud at times, smiled lots, and even cried a little bit at the end. And in between it all, I couldn't stop turning the pages.

I'd also like to add that I picked up my copy of Knitting Club from a new bookstore/coffee shop near Beckley, in its used book section. I had to have it, not only for a new book to read (its colorful cover was so enticing too!), but I wanted to support this new business. This place is adorable! And I'm so happy it's come to town.

1 comment:

  1. Great review, I'm going to check The Knitting Club out this week! "Comfort Food" sounds good too, I like food-centric novels. Have you read "Like Water for Chocolate" by Laura Esquivel? I will review it soon but it's really good! We had to buy the Spanish version for class a while back but I wanted to read on my own in English :)

    Also, that's awesome that you all have a new bookstore/coffee shop in Beckley, kinda like Taylor Books? WV is getting a lot cooler, yay! Btw, speaking of coolness, have you tried knitting anything lately? I still have a knit kit but I'm looking for a knitting workshop bc I've tried teaching myself and it wasn't pretty!
