Sunday, March 20, 2011

Knit Two and Knit the Season, both by Kate Jacobs

Kate Jacobs continues to delight in Knit Two and Knit the Season, the last two books of her mini-series. Each lady of the Friday Night Knitting Club has taken a different path since the end of the first book, The Friday Night Knitting Club. But despite the different pathes their lives take them, they continue to grow closer.

Although all of the ladies feel a kinship to one another, bonded together by their experiences in the first book, in the second book, Knit Two, we see how some of them begin to grow deeper in their friendship with one or two other ladies they may not have felt so close with before. The ladies also make new friends along the way, expanding their circle, but still maintaining their core for advice, laughs, and yarn.

In Knit the Season, readers revisit the wisdom and wit of Dakota's great-grandmother. One scene at the end of the book is especially touching with all sentiments completely sponsored by her humor, grace, and thoughtfulness.

All in all, if you loved TFNKC, you will fly through these next two books. I would love for Kate Jacobs to continue writing more to this series so that I can see how Dakota, Catherine, Peri, and the rest of the FNKC crew continue to grow, develop, and change.

Kate Jacobs actually has a website, and another, non-Knitting Club novel, Comfort Food. I'm on to this one next!

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