Friday, October 15, 2010

Don't sweat the small stuff, really!

Totally caught myself yesterday in stressing about the smallest thing!

I made plans to go out with a friend from work to watch the WVU game. We decided on meeting there around 7. Then I was reminded by another friend, via text message, that we were playing tennis that afternoon in a town about 20 minutes away from me. I decided to be able to do both things, knowing that I could always go a little later than 7 to meet friends for the game.

Well, even in knowing all this, I still felt stressed out in leaving my apartment to drive to Oak Hill for tennis! I found myself feeling harried at the gas pump, rushed on the road, holding my breath in wondering if I'd get to meet Anita early enough for us to play some and for me to get back to Beckley in decent time to head out. It wasn't good for my chi! Once I caught myself doing this, I had to chuckle. But still--this is something I've realized I'll do when it comes to making things on time. It wasn't good--I remember how I felt changing at my apartment, at the pump, and on the road. I was putting unnecessary stress on myself.

Luckily, by the time I got to the tennis courts, I'd calmed down. I'd like to challenge myself the next time I notice myself doing this. I'd like to step back sooner and realize, hey! Everything will be okay! Football games last forever (and it's not like I really even watch them anyway; I'm more there for the company) and feeling stressed out about something that's happening for the next 20 minutes (i.e., driving) isn't going to help any situation that isn't going to occur for the next few hours. RELAX! I will take a deep breath and ask myself, "Hey, why are you feeling stressed right now?"

Funny the things we get stressed about (and then funny sometimes too to compare these things to things we don't feel any stress about) and the observations we make about what is occurring in our mind and happening to our body, our breath, our throat, and mindset from the onset of stress. Hmm.

I'd also like to do something purposeful for increasing my mindfulness for these last 16 days of the month. For a period of time I was highly interested in energy medicine; I have a couple of textbooks on it. There is a recommended daily exercise that purports to balance everything in your body. I never got myself started on doing it consistently, but I'd like to. Reports to come!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, and timing too :) I feel a lot of people are stressed right now, as summer ends and the cold/holiday season begins. I really have to work on not sweating the small stuff, so thank you for this reminder!
