Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mindfulness check

So, I started out the month by jotting each evening what I considered "mindful" moments from that day.

Then I went to Atlanta this past weekend for a wedding and that quickly ended.

Whew! I forget sometimes how much weddings wear you out! It was incredibly fun and it was so touching and exciting for me to watch one of my best friends marry her best love, but oh my! It seemed like we had something going on at every hour of the day. I'm still recovering.

Anyway, back to mindfulness. I want to check in to this blog more with my mindful moments for a place I can come back to later for a review.

So, I spoke to my mother on the phone last night. And normally there's some sort of, "Aimee, you should do this." Or, "Aimee, why don't you do that?" And in response, I usually resort to the "Okay, Mom! I'll figure it out! Stop!!" in exasperation and helplessness.

But for whatever reason it was--I'm trying to reflect back on all the things that were going on through my mind at the time--I didn't feel the need to react like that last night. My mom was still shooting out those phrases for a couple of things she had opinions of concerning me. Maybe it was because I was so tired. Or maybe this mindfulness practice is kicking in better than I thought it would after all. Anyway, I let her go. I didn't react back like I normally have. Instead, I replied simple "Okay"s while quietly reminding myself, "You are an adult and what she's talking about isn't a significant decision to make anyway. She's just giving you her opinion, once again. If you don't want to go home this weekend until Sunday morning, then don't." (That's all it was over--when she thought I should come home for the weekend. . .while already assuming that I was planning on it!!)

I felt a peace set in after I hung up the phone with her. And that feeling made me think, "Hey! This whole thinking-before-reacting-to-your-mother (for some reason, it's a different situation when you're talking with your mother than with anyone else. . .at least, that's how I've felt--perhaps this can change now?!. . .in good ways, that is. . .a daughter's relationship with her mother will always be unique) thing turns out to work pretty well after all!"

Now I just gotta remember this the next time I speak with her. . .and in any other situation where it would be best to first hold my tongue.

(Oh, and hey! I just finished writing this without proofreading it and making any changes!! Well, except for if I saw a mistake in the line before, I did go back and change it. . .).

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